Friday, September 21, 2012

That's the teal skirt and jacket that I wore to graduation today, and a shot of my
greyish-greenish pumps (it really is nice to look down at ones legs and see a nice
pair of heels). that's a fun outfit and pretty festive but not all that practical, and
I was eating some barbeque chicken one of my friends brought in and I was really
worried about dripping barbeque sauce on my skirt and ruin it - but that didn't
happen -I was very careful.

So I'm done with classes -yeah!!!!!! it's going to be strange not going to classes but
I really need to find a job where I can show up as a woman and as
I found out yesterday at my first interview, it's not going to be easy.
I started May 29th and Ended September 21st and had perfect attendance,
and never once showed up as a guy - and it was a good experience for me.

so I graduated, and I suppose you expect some summary of what I went through and what
I achieved and all that, but I'm really not like that - I need a job and that's got to
be my focus right now, and this should help, but I really need a job, and so I showed
up, grabbed my certificate, talked to a couple friends I'm going to keep in touch
with, met briefly with a State employee who is supposed to help me get a job and
said goodbye to the teachers at the school -I don't look back anymore -
I have to make this transition work and I'm in a better position than before,
but it is still a very precarious position, honestly, and I have to just keep looking
to use these classes and certificates to find a job -the job is what is really going
to make going full-time a reality - but I think I'm close to living as a woman  full-time
I pray that I am.

that's probably a good reason to dress up and go to church on Sunday
I have a gig tomorrow. I won't be dressed, but a trans friend will be sitting in
for a couple songs, and at a straight event - she'll just be the female singer
playing with three guys (yeh I will be one of the guys -it's
still really easy for me to pass as a guy)

So I graduated (yeah!) and I have to change the header of the blog, but I'll
do it Monday =how about my search for a job that will let me live as a woman

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