Sunday, September 9, 2012

Go VIKES!  I rushed back from church to watch the game -we're winning by
a couple and the third quarter just ended. Momentum is shifting to the home team
(the Vikings) and we're 2nd and goal. Things look good

So I went ahead and went to church -my mom hasn't cashed my 106 dollar check
but she gave me a twenty last week and $23.00 yesterday -so I had the #13
meal and jogged a couple miles with my dog, then I decided I really wanted to
go to church -so I put on a pretty tan skirt a shiny gold sweater, tan leather booties
with 4" heels and with the new short strawberry blond wig I got a lot of compliments
from the women and a number of smiles and hi's from the guys, so hey that was fun :)

before church I stopped at Walmart and got a pair of sheer control top pantyhose $4
a three pack of tan pantyhose $5.95, #225 Maybelline foundation, five dollars and
something, and I still had two dollars when I walked in the church.  I put in a dollar
for the offering and I still have enough for a coffee on Monday -honestly I am
really tired of being poor - I want to go shopping, go out for coffee, stuff like that.

I'm going to celebrate graduation  on the 21st by getting a nice pair of dangling ear rings,
and wear them to my next interview, otherwise the church is having a bluegrass festival
Wednesday night right after class, so that'll be fun.  the band is practicing Thursdays
again, and somethings happening Friday, but I'll keep that a secret for now.

during the sermon the pastor mentioned something -that one of the things we do
when we persevere through struggles is to help other people avoid the mistakes
we made - and if you go back Transformative Honeymoons a year ago, two years ago,
it's striking how much happier I am now than when I was trying to face the fears
of the transition:


Things have been tough, but I'm working full time now,
and I've finally summoned the courage to start going
out in public. It'd be nice if I was more petite, and
looked more feminine, but I kind of have to work
with what I was born with. Of course just because I have 
the courage to do it, doesn't mean I've actually done it,
but I've been so very very poor that there was no way 
I could spend money on anything but getting by.
That's going to change starting with the paycheck
I just cashed.

Of course I have to buy all the stuff,
so it won't be until the October or November meeting
of the local cross dressing club when I do this, but it's time,
and I really personally feel that this is who I am, and if
I present myself as a man all day that's fine, but not all the
time. That's just not healthy. I can't do that all the time
any more. So I'm not going to be posting here very often,
but occasionally, if I have something new to write about,
which won't be that often, but when something actually
happens, I'll post it.

Mostly I'm over at D+X. stop by and say hi.

(It's been an interesting year -since I made this Sept 10, 2011 post) 

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