Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The test went extremely well. I haven't gotten the results back yet, so I can't
say with 100% certainty that I passed it, but I passed it -so assuming that
I passed it (which I did ) the results get entered into a State of Minnesota
database of people who are qualified to do Residential Home Energy
Audits, and I'll be on that list -it's a very good addition to my resume
-I've felt that in order to transition to living as a woman one needs to
be in control of the employment situation  (either that or marry a rich a
guy) I've put an enormous amount of my transition effort into improving
my employment situation and even though right now I am unemployed
and extremely poor I am in a worker retraining program which I attend
dressed as a woman -I am picking up new skills and showing to a lot of
people that I am a very nice, intelligent, friendly person with really good taste
in woman's clothing who would be an ideal employee.  I am getting very
confident about my ability to survive as a woman with the skills and experience
I am acquiring -a transition isn't just about looking good in a skirt (unless you
want to get in the University of Minnesota program)  it's about whether you 
can live as a woman and that means finding a job, and making friends with 
straight ordinary people, and letting the people around you think of you as
a pretty normal person who they can talk to (and not some whining, crying, 
complaining, self-centered spoiled brat).  

So I passed the test and classes go back to normal for a while now - 
and as soon as I confirm that I passed the test, I'll update my resume.

Otherwise I wore the black dress (the same one I wore onstage
at Pride) an d black heels.  I chatted with a couple different
students and the teacher a bit  -I actually got done with the 3 hour
test in about an hour and a half so I rechecked the answers,
then went out and played my dulcimer in the park next door,
and came back after lunch - so it was a good day.

Now it's time to take off the dress and the makeup and go
dressed as a guy to see my father and take my mother home,
then when I get home I have a 6-pack in the frig and I'm going
to celebrate passing the test with a couple beers (hip hip hooray,
hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray -as if there was ever any doubt!)

I'm going to wear a skirt to class tomorrow, but I haven't decided
which one

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