Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Now that I have my immunizations done, I can start my paid on-the-job training.
Tomorrow what has seemed almost impossible - showing up and working
as a woman will quickly become really boring :) it's minimum wage and it's
part-time and it's only until class ends in mid-September but I'm going
to be able to put it down on my resume and I'm going to be able to use this
as a reference when I look for full-time work and I'll be able to say I dressed
as a woman at my last job - so it's a big milestone even if it is just a part-time
job after classes - the point is to look at the real positives from this job.

I wasn't able to start before because I need some immunizations but today
I just got the immunizations done so I'm done being a pin cushion for a while
(the Hepatitus B require a second shot in a month and a third shot in 6 months,
and I have a bunch of tests to schedule in early September to see how I'm
responding to the hormones - so I still get to be a needle magnet next month too)
Actually I was almost calm for todays' shot (well not too visibly nervous, well
OK the nurse commented on how I looked nervous but really I was pretty calm
compared to the last time)

Class went OK we did some discussions in a group and that was fun, I played
my concertina at lunch and wound up talking to a couple other students from
the school then watched a video a bit -so it was a really easy day

I wore the abstract pattern tight pencil skirt with the deep purple velvet top and
grey pumps, which is a nice outfit and probably the last time I'll wear a skirt
to class now that I am working.  I'll wear girls pants and capris for the
next few weeks.

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