Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I am so lucky - I went to the Dentist first time in 5 years and had no cavities!!!!
I am so lucky and very happy.  I had a pretty serious tooth ache for about
6 months and didn't go to the dentist because I was working and couldn't
afford heath or dental care - ultimately it went away and it probably was stress related
(I had a lot of stress related health problems when I was trying to pass as a guy )
In Minnesota if you are unemployed you can get health care through the state
-that is how I can afford to see a Dentist today  and see my Psychiatrist tomorrow
 and get my prescription for Spiro and Estrogen refilled at the end of the month -
Of course the other side of that is I am attending classes full time and preparing
to live and work full-time as a tax-paying woman in Minnesota and I won't even
consider a job in another state because a trans person can live, transition, succeed
and be accepted in the Minneapolis area much more than anywhere I know of

OK - I just wanted to mention that, but while I'm at the dentist, waiting and
filling out the forms, because it was my first visit the dental assistant came out
to the waiting and asked if G___ (my first name) was there - I was sitting
there in my purplish abstract pattern purple skirt, dark purple velvet top and
grey pumps, and I look up from my magazine, but she's gone back behind the
door, she comes back out, looks at the other lady in the waiting room, looks at me,
then asks the guy at the desk where's G___? did he step out for a minute? "
and the guy at the desk finally pointed out that I was the guy she was looking
for - but  for a minute -it was pretty fun  "where'd he go?"

Class was OK and I continue to make money as an on-the-job trainee
doing light custodial stuff and I changed into some flats while I vacuumed
for an hour and a half - I kind of like the vacuuming, and it's experience

I get out of class at noon on Wednesday, see my psychiatrist (a $3 co-pay ,
but honestly - it is in the state's best interest that people like me have access
to a psychiatrist -seriously as difficult as my life is as a trans person I can't
imagine how difficult it would be right now if I hadn't transitioned)
after that I'm going to a Job Fair at night
I may stop at Denny's for lunch I'll say why tomorrow if I do.

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