Monday, June 25, 2012

More pictures and a couple audio recordings from my performance at Pride
yesterday. I'm the harmonica player (in the dress!) and I put my recorder too 
close to my amp [which is a 1957 tweed Fender Princeton - a very nice amp
-the second prettiest thing on the stage :} ]  so the recording has too much harp 
in it -but the sound crew did an excellent job with the mix that came through
the monitors and the sound the audience heard - I got a number of good 
comments on our performance.

Actually I was really nervous beforehand - my church held service in Loring
Park at 9 am and my hands were literally shaking thinking about going on,
but I calmed down during the service and by the time I walked over
to the stage I was smiling and confidant (and a little nervous, but
just a little). The band was really cool with seeing me dressed up and
I was very comfortable by the time we started playing - but still it was
really monumental - I mean I was up there in a dress playing the blues 
with my band - as  important as it was to me as an idea , when it actually 
came down to performing live - it seemed very natural

My favorite line - I was walking around and my heels kept catching the
cords lying around and so finally I stand there my heels tangled up in
some cords I turn to the sound guy whose looking at this mess and I say
"this must be why guys don't wear heels on stage!" -well I thought it
was funny.

so OK -you're probably wondering what the heck do we sound like?
well here are a couple tracks from my recording:

UPDATE -here the radio interview we did -this was live at Pride right after 
we finished our set :

I also found the KFAI interview of my friend the Peacock Lady and as soon as I get

the picture with me and her I'll post that - me, her and a couple other  friends walked 
around for a couple hours -so that was the rest of my day at Pride on Sunday.

Anyways - Sunday at Pride was a blast - I had a really good time and being the first
time I've played in a dress with a band, well I'm going to remember yesterday
for a very long time.

Today was anticlimatic - but it was a good day.  I had to take a test in order to get into
the Tier 3 program -so I put on a pair of white capris, a purple blouse, and black
flats and drove over and took some tests - I got a 93% - so obviously I passed
and I'm in the program - I  really wasn't worried. Classes start Monday
and now I'll be going from 9 to 3:30 five days a week - so far dressing as a woman
and going to class has been OK and hopefully it'll keep being fun, but I'm
totally committed to going through the whole program as a trans-woman and never
letting them see me as a man, regardless of how I feel on any given day (I really
can't imagine not wanting to do this so I'm just saying if that should change I'd
still see it through) 

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