Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day #11 - I wore a really nice silver and black fringed top
with a really lightweight black jacket trimmed with the silver
and black fringe, a stretchy black skirt and  black pumps -
the teachers assistant commented that it was a really cute outfit
and another lady also liked it.  I took the Excel test and I'm sure
I did really well on it.  The teacher handed out a mid-course
progress report and it said: an attentive student who follows directions quickly and
accurately.  She seems invested in the class with a positive
attitude to perform to the best of her ability.  She has excellent
computer skills and volunteers on a daily basis to help peers
learn the computer.  ....(my name) seems to feel comfortable
working in a team and sharing a summary of what was discussed
in class.......will be an asset to a future employer.

Very nice - this is the first time where someone else writing about me
is calling me she, which is very cool, and the review is really going to
be helpful when I go looking for a job - I have a lot of skills but the
intangibles of hiring a transexual could scare off an employer, but
a review like this could help ease those fears. So I am really happy
about this.

After class I dropped off my art work for the Dirty Queer show
at the Intermedia building and bumped into a lady who has a
radio program and I gave her a copy of jam last weekend
at the Farmers Market, so who knows it may get on the radio

I've been in a skirt everyday this week so I may wear girls pants
tomorrow or I may wear a skirt, I haven't decided, I have
band practice at night and since I'm still seeing my father at the home
(who I haven't come out to) I'll be dressed as a guy in the afternoon
and evening, but starting in July I'll be dressed up 5 days a week
8 hours a day, so my time is coming....

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