Friday, May 25, 2012

The top is my revised poster suggestion for a MN United campaign against 
defining marriage in Minnesota as between a man and a woman.
At their request I added the "vote no" and the MN United logo - I'm just
doing this as for fun, as a volunteer - but it's a cool poster, I think, and the guy 
I sent it to liked it. Hopefully it gets approved.

It's Airshow season in MN - Blaine Aviation days is next weekend - with the
Golden Wings Museum being open and some flybys and then the following 
weekend in Mankato the Blue Angels!!!!! so I've asked a trans friend if
she wants to go with me to these events -she's an ex-race car driver and
I have a pilots license (but not a current medical) and we're going to rebel
against some of the excessive girlieness -well until that urge to get all dolled
up and go to a play or the Art Fair in Edina comes over me again 

I am going to get dolled up tonight and go to the Gay90s and catch the 
drag show -I have not been out there in at least a month, maybe two -
not that I'm a regular but I was competing in the amateur contest for 
a while and I'll know a couple girls and performers there, and get to say
hi and all that -it'll be an early night -I have a play workshop I'm going to 
Saturday morning,  

Update 8pm Friday Evening:
God effing damn it - a friend of mine just got readmitted to a hospital
for overdosing on valiums, but she's safe right now and hopefully the doctors
can help - I'm just going to go get a 6-pack -which seems
like an idiotic response to hearing someone you care about just ODed but
screw it -I didn't read the manual about what the proper response is

It sounds callous, but it really isn't -she's safe there and she needs their help,
and I'm staying home tonight in my parents basement and I'm safe here,
there's nothing else that can be done right now

I'm drinking Leinenkugal Classic Amber

here's a "poem" I wrote the last time she was admitted:

Drag #6

4:44 am
Obviously I can’t sleep
I got a call last night when I was charging my phone
No one ever calls me at night, so why not charge my phone at 7pm?
I won’t use her name, but she left a message

She was being held in an institute,
the message was a phone number where she could be reached, visiting hours, 
she asked if I could call her
Obviously I did

She wasn’t sure who I was
 then she says “Oh. Stacy, of course”
She asks if it is Tuesday, unsure
The conversation is brief,

I first met her in group, she sat next to me
Showed me pictures of herself
A guy who managed a car dealership
And drove race cars on the weekend
He was muscular, good looking, weighed 225 pounds,
About what I weigh now
“so there is hope” I joked
I show her my pilot’s license
I just dress for fun I explain, which is sort of true
She is about 140 pounds and very pretty
She lives as a woman and passes, at least I think so
She not sure
She’s competitive and opinionated, and smart and  frustrating  
and  I know I kind of like her
She wants  to talk about how hard it is to transition, 
and ultimately manages to get asked to leave, 
making a comment about me in the process
Which kind of hurt,
So I remember meeting her, and knowing I kind of liked her

I was dressed up in a bar watching a drag show, when I saw her next
By the pool table with a friend – I thought about going over
But decided not to, I was afraid

I was at the Mall of America when I saw her next
I was in a very pretty outfit I bought at Macy’s and had on to go to a Job Fair
I was handing out my resume – I’m not full time, I’m not on hormones,
But I wanted to do this –it was scary walking in the door, but it went well
I was proud of myself and was now ready for lunch

I was sitting there eating, when she walked by and sat at a nearby table
I thought about it for about five minutes
Then casually walked over and said hi

We chatted, she was waiting for a friend, and she showed up
And sat with us, it was a very enjoyable chat and we exchanged numbers
She was starting a her new job, the pay wasn’t so good but it’s a job,
And I thought that was exciting, especially being able to go to work as a woman
I give her a lift to a clinic for the pre-employment drug test
At  the next job fair I went to I called and talked before I went in
It boosted my confidence
And of course she would remind me that I could always take the dress off
And get a job as a guy
I’m  looking for a job as a guy too I reminded her
But I really wanted to say at least I tried

She called me last Tuesday and asked what I was doing
I wanted to go to a blues jam, sign up and play my harmonica,
I would go dressed as a guy
It’s still too scary for me to let my musician friends know about this,
Even at a jam I’ve never been to there’ll be someone I know  casually
and then there are the drunks

I picked her up and she was dressed casually but she looked very pretty
Not that it was a date or anything, we’re just friends
We go in the bar and I sign up for the jam
I meet a musician I know slightly, and we talk, on his last CD
One of the guys on the CD  was a man when they started the CD
had a sex change and was a woman when it was completed ,
I couldn’t make this up

I sat with my “date”, chatted  
and waited  for my turn to play with the band
she gets up to get a drink, 
 at the bar,some guy approaches her,  
and when she orders A meal some guy approaches her
she’s very pretty and it’s not a date and stuff
but still I mean, I am dressed as a guy and everything

anyways I get up and play and take her home afterwards
and she has to get up early for work the next day
then Saturday I’ve asked a friend to go to a play with me
(I sometimes get tickets for next to nothing)
She’s not feeling well so I call  about going to the play
I get the machine and leave a message

I call again  she answers
She’s not on the lease, her partners moved out,she’s not on the lease
They want to evict her, the social worker is coming over and she has to
Stay in the apartment until she arrives
I go and  see a play and have a good time

I get a call Tuesday
I call back
“Today is Tuesday”  I say, helpfully

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