Friday, May 18, 2012

So that would be me playing with my dog.  I'm the guy.
Hopefully you're thinking "what guy? I don't see a guy."

In a few days (May 29th) I am entering a worker retraining program,
and I will show up for class in my skirt and sit down and start
classes.  It is very exciting, and it will be a very new experience
for me because while I have been going out publicly dressed as
a woman since October, it has been for a few hours here a few
hours there, occasionally for a full day, but never have I done
anything remotely like showing up for these training classes for the
next several weeks day in and day out and only letting them see me
as a woman, an unemployed transwoman looking for a job

After that there will be a break then a longer training session from
August into November and again I will be presenting myself every
day in these classes as a woman, or as a person who is working towards
 living as a woman, possibly full-time for the rest of my life.

I have been writing a blog called "Transformative Honeymoons" which was
a caption blog about my fantasy of being a woman or living as a woman
I did this blog for a very long time and had around 500 page views per day,
here are some examples of my fantasy captions:

but the format is all wrong - the readers are looking for a fantasy experience
When I finally signed the papers for this program it really struck home,
this isn't a fantasy

that is why I decided to start a new blog.  As for the title of my blog,

Did you ever have that dream where you walk into class in your
pretty skirt carrying your notebook and books and purse and everything
and one guy looks over to another guy and whispers:

"Who's the new girl?"  

 that would be me :)

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