Monday, May 21, 2012

after the Meetup group is over, people go online and post photos of the event,
and a couple of the pictures taken by other people have me in it.
I'm the girl farthest to the right in the top picture (with boots jeans and a jacket on)
and I'm the girl in the center of the bottom picture -next to the lady in the 1890's
dress with the bustle (I'm wearing black boots, blue jeans and a brown leather
coat)                      -"All is Vanity"  King David of Isreal in Ecclesiastes -

Anyways - I volunteered for MN United -which is the MN campaign against the
amendment to limit marriage to only between a man and a woman.
I am obviously totally opposed to that idea, and went to a meeting a few weeks
ago and volunteered to help with some graphics, so they want a window placard
that people can put in their windows to show their opposition to the amendment
so I wrote back and suggested the idea of an "X" [suggesting don't or vote NO]
and the X goes through a wall between two hearts - so the idea is don't put a
wall between to people that love each other - I think it's a positive message for
a vote against an idea -so here is roughly what my idea will look like (I need to
simplify it and use space better, but you get the general idea)

Today I thought I was picking up a friend and going with her to a Job Search
clinic, but she overslept -OK let's move on to the next subject

I went to a job search clinic, personally I think it's important to avail oneself
to whatever help is offered one when searching for a job, and would not
want to be so rude as to be late for something like that, or even worse
miss it all together, but that's just me.....  The lady who set it up is the one who
set up my getting into the retraining program, so I thought it was important
to show up and get as much from it as I could which I did,

The program also gives a list of places one can go for clothing and while
I have plenty of men's clothes I do not have enough womans clothes to
wear during the day in a classroom setting -so I went to one of the places
listed for free clothes and picked up a few female shirts and light sweaters
I could wear to class -if you are interested, the address is
the Clothes Closet
Central Lutheran Church
333 South 12th St
Minneapolis, MN
call 612-870-4416 for hours
no appointment is needed, just walk in, take what you need,
thank them and leave
The selection is pretty limited, but I just needed a few female shirts
I could wear with my female jeans to class -because I really don't
want to wear boy clothes to class and I can't possibly afford buying
clothes right now.

I took a walk around a really nice wooded park and nature center in
St Louis Park, and it was a really gorgeous day, but then it's off to
the Eden Prairie Center and Payless Shoe store (because like so
many trans women, I have big feet -men size 10-1/2 equates to a
womans size 12, 12w, or 13 (usually a 12w fits but you try them on
to to be sure) so I bought two pairs of flats, because I'd feel like
an idiot walking around class in my 4" heels, I'll wear the flats most days,
or the boots with the low heels, but  I'm sure I"ll wear a dress and
4" heels at least once !  The shoes are $17.00 each and they do fit and
hold up pretty well and I've gone in and bought female shoes dressed
as a woman and dressed as a man and they've always been polite and
attentive. After Payless I stopped at Walmart and bought $50 worth of
makeup and pantyhose - which sounds idiotic realizing how poor I am,
but going in makeup and trying to look my best is really, really important
to me so it's worth it  -

and now I'm back in guy mode, retraining class starts next week and I have
the clothes and shoes and makeup to get through a couple weeks at least
so I'm pretty much set

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