Saturday, May 26, 2012

these shots are form last year, at the Arboreteum, but today I went to Como
Park and walked around the zoo and Conservatory -it was really nice and
relaxing and I was feeling very confidant and ease with the world so it was
kind of surprising that as I walked out of the building this man turned to his
son (who was in his early twenties) and started commenting on me, while
and I walked past and he continued to comment.  at this point I glanced back
and saw that they had turned around I continued to walk and then took a deliberate
look back saw that they were indeed following me so I continued to walk at the
same pace but now reached into my purse - now I was just reaching for the
phone -but he didn't know that -it might have been a gun, mace, a knife
-he didn't know but he did know that I was aware that he was preparing
to attack (and he was -I'm not imaging that) but like I say he knew that
I was walking along but that I was aware of him and aware that he was
a threat and that I had something prepared - now as it turned out my plan
was to call 911,  scream a verbal warning and attack the old man , and hope
that the kid (who was much more of a physical threat) would panic when
I tackled the old man to the ground -regardless someone was going to get
seriously hurt and it might well have been me, but honestly I don't think
so - I think he realized I wasn't going to be the victim and his bullying
was going to expose what a coward he really was -but he saw me reach
into my purse, confidently walk on prepared for his attack and he wisely
backed off - all because I was minding my own business walking along
a sidewalk in the park.

Anyways the park was lovely and there was a wedding reception and I
didn't see the bride and groom but some of the girls had really lovely
gowns and of course the garden itself is really nice,

I started the day at the Naked Eye workshop which was a lot of fun-
it was a gender oriented theater and workshop - and we did some
movement exercises and some writing exercises and in groups of
three, according to a set of 6 rules we were given 5 minutes to
come up with a three minute sketch get in front of the group
and act it out - my group came up with a really good skit and
everyone laughed at the ending -so that was scary but fun
one exercise was to write on a specific topic and one example was
I am a superhero when.... and we were given 5 minutes, I think
and I wrote:
I am a super hero when I'm standing on stage at a Blues Festival*
playing my harp, watching the girls dance, changing my melody,
my tune, my song to keep the girls dancing
I am a super hero when I am standing on the edge of a cliff,
feeling the wind in my face, the hang glider tugging upwards**
in the wind, taking three steps and running off the cliff
I am a super hero when I am skiing down the hill with no fear
of falling
and falling and tumbling spectacularily down the hill***
and laughing at the bottom, looking at one of my skis
half way up the slope

*specifically I was thinking of the upper Mississippi Valley blues fest
I played with Little Bobby and the Storm
**specifically I was thinking of the trip I made with my hang glider to
Lookout Mountain, in winter of 2000
***specifically I was thinking of a trip I made to Mount Hood when I
got crossed up on a mogul and just got pounded by the mountain -
I was fine but oh my what a spill.

The workshop was a lot of fun and it was $20 which is a lot right now,
but I thought it was unique and I really wanted to do it and it was worth it
Afterwards I went too Como Park like I said, stopped at the coffee
house then went over to the church for my religious group discussion
(which I joined last week by accident -it's a long story) then I went home
and took off my skirt and makeup.

Anyways right now I've got a load of blouses and  my jean skirt in the
dryer, and some panties and lingerie in the washer, and I have
to admit, I don't feel like a super hero when I'm washing my panties


Transgender Blogs

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