Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day # 2 - Sat with a girl when I went to the lab and as I was sitting
down next to her the instructor was talking about what day it was
but  the girl joked "everyday is Halloween" and I smiled and joked
"I'm not sure what you mean" but obviously I did. she's pretty passable
and I'm not but I'm obviously planning on working this way as is she,
so we talked as bit during the day and she's got an interesting story,
and so hopefully I'm making some friends in class too.  Did talk to a guy
a bit before class started, and was split off in a group with a couple guys
at the end of the day -but it was just random assignments by the teacher.
Representatives from 5 companies came in and held a large meeting.
Q and A session, but I just listened -I did realize that it probably is a good
idea to add words from the job you are interviewing for to your resume
(where they are appropriate but to insure a good fit use their words)
I also learned I can type at 25 wpm - I had no idea peck,peck peck...

I'm back in boy mode now -this is a very strange way to live but it's
oddly very comfortable - it's not exciting but it's not stressful or for
me confusing -it's a totally trans lifestyle - and it's OK -I am in boy
mode to take my father to a place where he does physical therapy
and then go practice with my band (who know I'm trans but haven't
seen me dressed up - they will when we play at Pride in a few weeks)

So I may wear a skirt to class tomorrow, stop off at a place that
gives out free clothes (I still don't have enough outfits to wear to
go full-time during the day) then maybe go over to the hospital
and see my friend again

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