Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I play in a blues band, and we have a few weeks off from practice
but I'm starting my RLE (Real Life Experience) as a woman next
Tuesday in class, and I really felt the need to come out about being
trans (they already know I'm gay, but we've never talked about it)
so anyways, what ever happens -it was time to come out so I sent
an email (because I'm a total chicken) here it is

Band Members,

I wanted to give you some additional information about the worker retraining
program that I'll be entering Tuesday that I've been keeping private from you.

Basically when I went to the job fair where I heard about this training program,
when I interviewed to get into the program, when I went to fill out the forms and 
got accepted into the program I was dressed as a woman.  Obviously I used my
real name, and no one was really duped into thinking I was a woman, but 
that was how I was dressed and presented myself.  

For a very long time I have wanted to be able to try something like this 
in real life and see what it would be like.  I am seeing a psychologist who is  
knowledgeable in Gender Identity Disorder, and while it is a pretty rare 
condition, the "experts" really don't consider it a mental illness, it's more
a case of how a person sees themselves and identifies with who they are.

There is a very wide spectrum of "trans people" and a variety of options
including Sexual Reassignment Surgery -which I would never do,
Hormone Replacement Therapy -which I object to for philosophical
reasons and Real Life Experience - which basically means spending
some time living as a member of the opposite sex and seeing what it
is like - that is what I am going to try, and since I all ready attend church
that way and spend some time going out to plays and support groups and 
various events, and have since October (when I first started coming out
about this publicly) I personally feel pretty comfortable about going to
these classes dressed as a woman, and even if it turns out to be a bad
idea, the building facilities training is relevant to my career.

Now as it turns out, I will probably be working my old job part-time, 
(they called me the other day) -so the reality is I will wake up, put on '
my makeup, go to class from 8 to 12 Monday through Thursday, take 
off my makeup put on my work clothes and work from 2 to 6 then show
up for band practice one day a week looking and acting the same as
always, so I suppose I could have kept it private, but I wanted to let you 
know about this, and go from there.

[my name]

so I sent it out a couple minutes ago. if things go well we're scheduled to play
Pride, so they're good guys, regardless, but I just have to see what develops

Plot script for yesterdays play

the actor played a death scene from Othello and had a romantic scene
with his lover, The woman playing a woman role was introduced by way
of conversation a repeat of the death scene but on stage (first time
was in rehearsal) then two ladies go to green room and invite him
out -turns out it a wager to see if he is really a man or a woman -
when a rich fop shows up mistaking the group for whores he has
fun humiliating the others-  but in his next performance the fop 
has hired some ruffians to throw shit on him as he performs his role,
then soon after repeating the exact same role (but this time dressed
as the fop) he is triumphant on stage, but is "mistaken" for the fop
when he goes out to a park with the ladies again -here he is beaten
up brutally in slow motion  -Intermission-
so after the intermission the king decrees that all womens roles
are to be played by women only from now on, the Actor recovers,
he winds up in a bar performing as a woman doing a lewd song
about a man with no balls, then ultimately helps his female actress
rival act the Othello death scene he is famous for -but she can't
do well -they practice the scene then it is performed live where
he almost kills her leading to the happy ending

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