Monday, May 28, 2012

It's Memorial Day and I checked my traffic to this bog and so far the only traffic
is a couple random hits, a couple hits from my old blog site - Transformative
Honeymoons -which continues to get over 150 page views per day and some
referer spam site from Russia with the address of " ".

Considering tht I don't even have a bank account anymore, I really don't have
a lot to worry about - I mean all they're going to find out is that I'm broke and
I want to live as a woman,

Anyways since no one is reading this blog -and classes start tomorrow let's review
the premise of this blog.

That is me, I'm a fifty something year old man, and for a very long time I've wanted to
live my life as a woman.  Up until now that hasn't been possible.  I have since October
been going out in public dressed as a woman, but I am not on hormones and
I don't really pass and without a job where I could work as a woman going
full-time was impossible, until now.

Very recently I attended a Job Fair, dressed as a woman, but using my real name
and met a lady who choose candidates for a worker retraining program.
I interviewed for the program dressed as a woman and was selected.
The training is unpaid, but it should lead to  a job when I finish it, and
the people training me will be judged on their ability to help me get a job
when I am done, so since I am going to class dressed as a woman, it is
their job to train me and help me find a job that I can work at dressed
as a woman.

Tomorrow, I attend the class for the first time -which is very exciting. I will
show up for class dressed as a woman, every single day -they will never see me
any other way, and when I go looking for a job , I will of course go dressed as
a woman -but in the mean time, I am not full time, and I live at home with my
parents and the arrangement I have is that I am out to my mom, but I don't
dress up around my dad (who is in a wheelchair and not very mobile) -so I don't
dress up at home, only when I go out and I don't only go out as a woman,
but usually when I go out I'm dressed up, it's just so much more natural

So I'm not full time and I wont be spending all day dressed as a woman, but
after today next Saturday is the next day I could spend a full day dressed as a
man, then the following Friday (why would I want to? -I wouldn't I'm just saying
if I did want to spend a day dressed as a man - I'd have to look at my calendar
to see when that would be possible and make plans to do so - so when I say
I'm not full-time -I really mean I'm not full-time as a woman but I'm not full-time
as a man either)

Today I plan to spend the day as a man, and take my Father and Mother to an
outdoor concert - and just make a point of being a guy all day (realizing of course
that as I write this I am lying in bed wearing my negligee and panties that I sleep
in, but I will take a shower, shave and go off and be a guy today). Tomorrow
I get up in the morning, take a shower, put on my makeup and present myself
as a transwoman,  using my real name, and going to my worker retraining class
in the morning and do that for the next four weeks, as the first phase of my retraining.

It's very exciting

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