Friday, August 17, 2012

Well, let's go to plan B - my dog is sick and I'm going to the vet first thing in
the morning, and I thought I was going to get about $60 last night for last
weekends gigs, instead I only got $14 (the rest is coming) so I guess I'm
not dressing up and going to the Gay90's tonight -I bought a 6 pack instead,
and I'm going to stay at home with my puppy -  I still have enough for
the #13 breakfast meal before going to the vets and after the vet I'll
jam a bit at a coffee house, then dress up and go to an outdoor trans
event at a local park then I go home change back to boy mode and go
to a gig that actually is a pretty good paying gig - which is really exciting,
and I think I'm going to skip church on Sunday or not -I haven't decided,
but I do need to find time to study for Wednesday's test and time is at
 a premium, so most likely I'll skip church and not dress up Sunday,
and just stay at home with my puppy and my textbook.
But I do have a gig playing my harp so it'll be a good weekend hopefully.

Today was a very, very long day -spent 8 hours at school, most of it
sitting in a classroom learning about carpets - it's important to learn
but oh my it's a long time to sit in class. We covered a lot of carpet
cleaning hardware including a device used in steam cleaning called a
"drag wand" so I was joking with a guy about what a thought a drag
wand was:

but this is what a drag wand really is -it's used in steam cleaning, and
is old school technology, but it's still out there, I guess:

my drag wand is a lot more fun don't you think?

I wore light tan girls jeans, brown boots and a shiny red top
but I was going to wear a satin looking short black strapless
dress with a corset underneath and cute black heels with a bow
on to the bar - I wanted to try and look a little flirty, because
the hormomes' suppression of sexual desire was pretty cool
while it lasted, but yeh, anyways it'd be nice to have a drink
and chat a bit with a guy... oh well
 maybe I'll wear it  next week when I play back up musician for a
performer at a drag contest at a St Paul gay bar on Friday.

Update - took my puppy to the vet and she's OK but I'll be spending the
day with her and giving her a bath and then go to my gig so I won't be
dressing up at all this weekend but I'll be dressed up for class
first thing Monday of course - later

Update 2 - the gig went really well -kids were dancing, the party was
happy a bachelorette party came thru, the bartender liked us -it
went extremely well and with tips, I got $103 -so I'm going to treat
myself to a dutch garden pancake Sunday morning, then spend the rest
of my day with my puppy -so no church tomorrow- just some studying

Update 3 - I'm in guy mode all weekend now - had a really good breakfast
and have been using a strategy of read a little take a nap read a little walk the
dog read a little take a nap... to get through a 300 page book on carpet cleaning.
The test is Wednesday so I'm glad I finished reading it today so I can focus on
studying after class this week -but oh my, I've taken 3 naps today and it's
a very lazy Sunday - I finally finished the book about 4 o'clock but it
was important to read it.

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