Several years ago I bought a ready to fly remote control airplane called the Vapor-
which is very light and it flies very slow. For whatever reason when I got it home
I left it in the box for several months and then about 6 months later I took it out
of the box and it didn't work. So I returned it got another one, and it sat in the
box for about 3-1/2 years. So this week I took it out of the box and I've flown
it a couple times in a tennis court across from school before class. It's pretty
fun and it flies so slow that it's hard to wreck it -but I did have some "less than
perfect" landings so I have to superglue the wing surface to the frame - but
tomorrow, if it's not very windy I'll be flying it again - this is my way of saying
I'm starting to get seriously interested and involved in aviation again
Class went really well I passed the Certified Pool Operator exam -60 questions,
I missed one (OK I got sloppy, I was done in under an hour - and I just went
to fast and didn't bother to check my answers) It was nice to get out of class
early and the class was well taught and it's a good certificate to add to my resume,
and I got to wear a blue pencil skirt a purple blouse and silver sandals all day,
so that was fun.
The band, or what's left of it will meet tonight to discuss what's next and I want
to take my dog out for a jog before I go
Tomorrow I'm a back up musician for one of the entrants at the townhouse for the
drag beauty pageant and I'll be dressed up for that of course.
Its good experience to fly the remote control plane after such a long time.